Red Ring (national Broach) model GCY-18 gear shaving machine , 12" cutter head capacity, matched centers , crowning , full enclosure , good condition from Mfg plant.
Red Ring (National Broach) Gear Shaving machine
Model GCY 12
s/n GCY-3004
this machine is equipped to shave gears in the green not after heat
treatment. this machine is also capable of shaving a crowned gear .
Machine specs are as follows:
Pitch Diameter(Max. OD 19 1/4") 1"/3"-18"
Diametral Pitch (1" Dia Pitch W/Small Stocks) 3-16
Speed (7"/9" Cutter) 71 - 281 RPM
Stroke, Maximum 5"
Speed Of Reciprocation 69 - 7.17"/Min.
Distance Between Centers 22 3/4"
Crossed Axes Angle, Maximum 25 Degrees
Floor Space (LxWxH) 41"x 55 3/4"x 92 1/2"
Net Weight 11,700#
Machine is equipped with the following:
crowning mechanism
12" cutter head capacity
cutter arbor
chip conveyor
electrical diagrams
matching centers
Inspect the machine under power in good operating condition with proper
notice. visit Our website to request formal quote on line at or web more photos and specifications as well as
other gear machines we have in stock . feel free to contact us at
(704) 609-0766 or rich Piselli at
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